To my surprise, Tim Ecott included our experience together in the Cayman´s, in the introduction of this provides more information on this great book
Neutral Buoyancy: Adventures in a Liquid World
by Tim Ecott
In Neutral Buoyancy, journalist and diver Tim Ecott takes you on a guided tour of the history of undersea exploration and the emergence of diving culture.
He tells the extraordinary story of man's attempts to breathe underwater, from the sponge divers described by Aristotle, to the development of sixteenth-century diving bells, to the invention of modern scuba equipment. Along the way,
Ecott intersperses the story with his own thrilling adventures, from the waters of the South Pacific to the remote islands of the Seychelles, from explorations in the clear, flowing tides of Sardinia to a near-death experience in the cold gray depths of the English Channel. Filled with engaging stories of humanity's conquest of the undersea world -- and heart-pounding action that will leave you breathless
Neutral Buoyancy is a compelling blend of history and adventure, an exciting overview of the world of undersea diving. "As elemental, entertaining, and stimulating as the environment it traces." -- Kirkus Reviews "
Engaging Neutral Buoyancy will certainly become cult reading for divers."
Alexander Urquhart, The Times Literary Supplement
"Ecott's encyclopedic recounting of diving history ... should be awarded a place on any diver's reference shelf."
Paul McHugh, San Francisco Chronicle

Journalist and a keen diver. Lived in different countries as a child because his father was in the army. While working for the BBC World Service he reported from Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean states - and eventually ended up living in Seychelles, partly because he wanted to be able to dive more frequently.
Being underwater is something he has always enjoyed, and never got tired of watching fish, or coral or sponges or sharks or even starfish. His last book - 'Stealing Water' - was a memoir about growing up in Ireland, the Far East and Africa. It shocked a lot of people.
He is the author of Stealing Water (Sceptre) and Neutral Buoyancy: Adventures in a Liquid World (Penguin) and Vanilla: Travels in Search of the Luscious Substance (Penguin)