Capt Keith checking the site
“This is where the Spanish Tails & Treasure Lay!
With the Souls of Davy Jones Locker”
Dead Men Tell no Tales!

The English arrive in many numbers following the gold trail of the Spanish

Gold Thread and Brass pins and rings made by the Inca almost 400 years ago.

Arcabuz long guns and a pistol on top of the pile

Research Vessel Nautilus
Jan. 2007 Drydock

Nautilus ready for action Jan 2007

The Skipper Capt Keith Plaskett

Profile of Mag hits over the Site

“Historic as well as Monitary” The Government of Ecuador
“Sponsor the Treasure Division” Patrimonio (Government Archaeologist)
“Inventory and archive the artifacts for future studies and Museum displays”
The Company, EX DEL MAR
The Players An Investment Group from South Florida,
2006 History Hunting Efforts
1. Located the Bow section of the Nuestra Señora de la Magdalena (Our Lady of Magdalene) which sank in 1612
2. Recoverd many Artifacts which are currently located in our Conservation Laboratory being conserved for later display in an Ecuadorian Museum Gold Thread and Brass pins and rings made by the Inca almost 400 years ago. (Top)
Arcabuz long guns and a pistol on top of the pile (Bottom)
( More Pics to Come)
3. Validated all targets to date and found trail leading out to Sea where the rest of the ship most likely lay.
2007 History Hunting Efforts
1. Located the Bow section of the Nuestra Señora de la Magdalena (Our Lady of Magdalene) which sank in 1612
2. Recoverd many Artifacts which are currently located in our Conservation Laboratory being conserved for later display in an Ecuadorian Museum
3. Validated all targets to date and found trail leading out to Sea where the rest of the ship most likely lay. Dry Docked R/V Nautilus and we painted her with a stelth color to ward off Bandets.
2. Back to the trail for the Mother Load
The 2007 Season has brought us many twist and turns.
After validating the numerous targets for 2005 spot test Magnetometer surveys, the team realized we needed to purchase a Magnetometer to conduct a systematic search of the complete area. We located which appears to be the bow section of the vessel this assumption is derived by the type of artifacts recovered in 2006; additionally a debris field lead out to sea, indicating more wreckage still lie further out…
This area is difficult to Mag due the location so near the Equator. Standard magnetometers Cesium and Proton mags will not work well ,and their accuracy here in the South Sea’s are in question.
The team went with the state of the art, Omni directional mag with Overhauser Effect Technology. (This technology measures the ambient magnetic field using a specialized branch of nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology, applied specifically to hydrogen nuclei).
After conducting surveys for several months the team was able to rule out many areas and get a definite survey picture of the Site; including what appears to be the main hull of the Nuestra Señora de la Magdalena. This is where the rock and treasure ballast along with the Cannons and other artifacts will most likely to be found.
Over 200 targets to be valadated laying in 3 meters of overburden proves to be a challenging task for the Team and R/V Nautilus.
As Mel Fisher would always say to his team “Today is the Day” we find the Treasure
“2008 is the Year” we find the Treasures of the Magdalena whom is burried under 10′ of overburden
As in life nothing is for sure!!
This Last entry is made in December 2008
This is the rest of the story….
Our Manager Joel Anthony Ruth has mislead the Captain, the Crew and the Investors along with the Ecuradorian People, claiming in New’s print he was an Archaeologist and Historian as it turns out he was lieing to all.
No degrees to show for his claims. There you have it!!
Ruth decided to get in bed with another Group of Ecuadorian lawyers who held a Concession in South Ecuador.
Joel A. Ruth waved the golden Carrot, as he so often does to lure and mislead folks,
Ruth convinced the Investors that the shipwreck of the Leo Cadia which sank in 1800 and was reported to carry 1.2 million Pieces of eight, of which all but 250 K had been salvaged by the Spanish in the following months of the Wreck.
Ruth implied this wreck was ripe for the picking… ¨Wrong¨
So a fatal error in judgment
Once again was made by Ruth, this was to leave the Magdalena wait…
After several months of red tape to get authorization from the government to move the R/V Nautilus.
Out of Port, I moved the Nautilus South to Salinas were we presently remain.
After reorganizing the operation and conducting surveys up and down the coast.
We hired a new crew of Divers and a Mate and began working;
3 days into the recovery operation we were shut down by Ruth sighting the Lawyers concessions were expired????
The Crew and Captain were very angry at the miss management and verbally expressed these emotions. Ruth over heard the grumblings and packed his personnel things and snuck away in the night. He sped away that late July Night and went into hiding in Guayaquil, after many attempts to communicate with him, via phone and e-mail conducted over several months it was evident that he was not going to be man enough answer…
The President of Ecuador issued a decree that all salvaged Treasure Artifacts were to remain in Ecuador.
This cost the operation more than it could ever pay itself…
The Vessel has been in limbo for several months since.
The current plan is to move the Vessel out of Ecuador to another country and regroup.
That’s my story and I´m sticking to it.
Capt. Keith Plaskett R/V Nautilus
Salinas Ecuador, December 2009
In late Januray 2009 the Skipper sailed the Nautilus out of Ecuador
Ending the contract with Exdelmar Co.
Leaving Ecuador
The Investors dropped Ruth and the Exdelmar Company
The general manager Joel Anthony Ruth remained in Ecuador licking his ego.
A New Association was created and new Executive Management emerged.
As for Joel Ruth, he has followed our group South to Peru and has managed to miss led another investor into paying his way.
That Bad Penney Just keeps showing up!!!
Joel Ruth showed up from Ecuador in July 2009 to conduct a magnetometer survey of Paita Bay Peru. The Peruvian Navy was helping him.
The Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Perú (INC) a Peruvian Government office who is in charge of permitting for such activities was not contacted by Ruth to obtain permission by Peruvian Law. So he was not officially authorized, Ruth was trying to operate under the radar lying about his credentials, to those Navy Admirals who were helping him, so after several days of surveying Ruth was shut down. A local group contacted the Navy and raised issue’s with Ruth’s activities, So Ruth fled the country in a Haste before the Government could get here hands on him and the borrowed Equipment he was illegally using.
The INC director was very angry at Ruth’s attempts to gather Marine Archaeological information without permission, The Peruvian Navy is angry because they had been deceived into believing Joel Ruth was an Archaeologist, as he was pretending. As a result any future efforts to work in Peru will not be allowed By Ruth or his affiliates.
“The Peruvian Government has his number”. We think the Guy believes in his head he’s INDIANA JONES.
“That’s the rest of the story…”
January 2010
31 December 2005 arrived Ecuador with Nautilus
3 July 2006 Originated
8 Janurary 2007 updated
4 March 2007 updated
4 July 2007 updated
19 December 2007 updated (More to come) Capt. Keith
16 December 2008 (Final for the operation in Ecuador)
29 August 2009 Peru continued.
January 2010 Final Story
(I’m presently living these events and Internet availability for web updates are sketchy to non-existent at times here on the South Seas, please bare with me)